Moraga talked about getting a new Canyon Road bridge connecting Oakland over four years ago and since last month it is now permanently closed due to structural weakness. Is this poor planning or just typical bureaucracy at work?
From the original project:
In May 2013, the Town submitted an application for Federal Highway Bridge Program funding for the bridge replacement and was approved. Following approval from Caltrans, the Town retained a civil engineering consulting firm to provide design, surveying, geotechnical engineering, environmental, and right of way services to the Town. In October 2013, the Town Council awarded a contract to NV5 to provide these services.
A third and final community outreach meeting is anticipated prior to the start of construction to inform the community of the plan for construction staging and to introduce the construction management team, who will be on-site during construction and available for any questions throughout the duration of the project while in construction. Construction is currently scheduled for 2018.
From the new bridge closure page:
On Monday April 17, 2017, Town staff was notified by EBMUD that their engineers had observed conditions that may affect the Canyon Road Bridge. Town staff responded to the bridge and saw a separation of the pavement from the south side of the bridge and soil movement away from a cement abutment at the southeast corner of the bridge.
The bridge reopening timeline is yet to be determined, but could still take months to get all permits approved; stabilization work completed; the existing bridge demolished; and a temporary bridge purchased, delivered, and built.