
The Great California Shakeout Earthquake Drill Oct. 18th – Town Offices Closing

From the Moraga Police Department:

The 2012 Lamorinda ShakeOut supports the Great California ShakeOut, a series of special events featuring the largest earthquake drill ever, organized to inspire Californians to get ready for big earthquakes, and to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes. How we prepare for a big earthquake will determine how our lives will be afterwards. The ShakeOut drill will occur in houses, businesses, and public spaces throughout California at 10:18 am on Thursday, October 18, 2012. Individuals, families, neighborhoods, businesses, and schools are encouraged to participate by registering at to participate in this important preparedness event. Participants will receive information on how to prepare for the inevitable major earthquake and what actions to take during and after the shaking. Town Staff will be participating in this event with an activation of its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to train and drill EOC staff. Most Town offices will be closed from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm during the EOC exercise. The drill will also test communication capabilities with Orinda and Lafayette EOCs.