Spotted across from Miramonte High School in Orinda on Moraga Way. The owners really went all out decorating with numerous bear sculptures, a bench, and other animals over the past couple of years. Great job!
Spotted across from Miramonte High School in Orinda on Moraga Way. The owners really went all out decorating with numerous bear sculptures, a bench, and other animals over the past couple of years. Great job!
With Orinda Theatre Square coming alive lately, the aMFa art gallery, located next to the soon to be opened Barbacoa Mexican restaraunt is in a great location to take advantage of visitors dining out or shopping. In addition to art by the owner Allison McCrady, other artists are represented as well:
The piece at left, which I was immediately drawn to, has already been sold by the way, but there are plenty of other exciting pieces available so drop by if you have the chance.
aMFa also offer art classes for $300 per term. Occasionally they display (and paint) outside the gallery/studio in Orinda Square which makes for a pleasant experience while strolling around downtown Orinda.
Spotted in the back of the David M. Brian store, next to Crate and Barrel, in downtown Walnut Creek. Check out window washer at right, that’s classic.
photo by Flickr user uzvards
A few weeks ago I noted that the the Walnut Creek city council was considering the display of the sculpture titled, “Hand in Peace”, by California-based artist Beniamino Bufano in Civic Park, and now it’s official; For the next 25 years the sculpture, as seen in the photo above, will be displayed in Civic Park, enhancing Walnut Creek’s status as not only a shopping and dining mecca, but one that is also focused on the arts.
Spotted in downtown Walnut Creek on N. Broadway next to Zebra Tattoo and the Performance Bike store.
The Delta Moon Student Film Festival, which features top high school film and animation works, is being shown at the Lesher Center in the Knight Stage 3 Theatre on Saturday, April 14th at 4:15pm. Tickets are free but you need to call to reserve your tickets.
photo by Jeanie R. Wakeland
From an email:
WHEN: April 27 (5-9 p.m.) April 28 (10 a.m.-7 p.m.) April 29 (10 a.m.-4 p.m.)
WHAT: Artists’ Market
WHO: Clay Arts Guild
WHERE: Civic Arts Education Studio, 1313 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek
INFO: 925-943-5846, www.clayartsguild.comThe burst of green grass on Mt. Diablo and colorful wildflowers on the hillsides stimulate many gardeners to think about brightening their own yards and patios with plants, water features and garden decoration.
But where can they get unique pots and garden ware in which to put those plants?
The Clay Arts Guild (CAG) will focus on outdoor garden pots and garden decoration at the Artists’ Market spring sale on April 27-29. A reception with live music, light refreshments and a flower-arranging demo kicks off the sale from 5-9 p.m. April 27. The sale continues April 28, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and April 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Civic Park Studio, 1313 Civic Drive in Walnut Creek.
photo by Flickr user uzvards
According to a City of Walnut Creek agenda, a giant hand sculpture may be on permanent display at Civic Park in downtown Walnut Creek. The first choice, Alma Park was rejected due to, “future development”. From the agenda:
The panel felt the Alma Park Plaza site would showcase Hand of Peace in a high visibility area, which would serve as a “gateway” both to other downtown artworks, as well as the Walnut Creek Public Art Program itself, by sparking interest in public art. It was agreed that, upon its installation, Hand of Peace would become a prominent artwork on the public art walking tours, and a significant place-maker for Walnut Creek and Alma Park. After careful review and input from the neighboring residents and businesses of the Alma Park site, and considering the future development that would take place adjacent to the site, it was determined that the location would not be viable. As the alternate, the panel selected the Civic Park “Triangle” at the Library’s north entrance (Attachment 2), because they were drawn to the green, peaceful, and reflective qualities of the
park. This site is highly visible, and the panel saw great benefit in installing the sculpture in a downtown park location and within a green landscape. The Civic Park site has significant pedestrian traffic, street visibility, and the opportunity for park visitors to spend time enjoying Hand of Peace from nearby benches and open space.
An interesting side note is that the artist Beniamino Bufano, chopped off part of his trigger (index) finger and sent it to President Woodrow Wilson at the onset of World War I as a protest against the war. You can see an old video interview with Bufano here. When I saw the video and took a look at the sculpture again I thought maybe the shorter finger at right was a representation of his missing index finger top, rather than the pinkie.
photo by Flickr user me5otron
The Lesher Center in Walnut Creek will be hosting a performance by the pianist Olga Kern on April 14th at 2:30pm.
From the Lesher website:
In 2001 the glamorous young Russian pianist Olga Kern became the first woman in thirty years to win the Gold Medal at the Van Cliburn Competition. Her next triumph came in New York City in 2004 with a highly acclaimed recital debut at Carnegie Hall. Then, in an unprecedented turn of events, eleven days later Ms. Kern was invited back by Carnegie for a second recital.