Spotted outside Lark Creek restaurant in downtown Walnut Creek.
In the Mood a 1940’s musical revue, will be playing at the Hofmann Theatre in the Lesher Center in downtown Walnut Creek on March 9 at 2pm and 7:30pm. It is being put on by Artbeat. Tickets are available for purchase now.
photo by Ashraf
From a press release:
(Walnut Creek, CA) How would you describe dance in 140 characters? Diablo Ballet of Walnut Creek invites Bay Area “text-perts” to break the barriers of dance and Twitter live during the Company’s Friday March 2 7:30 PM at Shadelands Arts Center in Walnut Creek, California.
Bay Area residents are invited to apply to receive a complimentary ticket to sit in the “tweet seat” section” (located in the back of the auditorium), where they can share their immediate thoughts about the performance over Twitter. Each participant’s live tweets will be re-tweeted the night of the performance on Diablo Ballet’s Twitter page (@DiabloBallet) and also via the hash tag #diablo.
“I’m excited to bring this exciting, interactive idea to the world of dance,” said Lauren Jonas, Diablo Ballet’s Artistic Director. “It will be interesting to see how an audience member describes dance in only 140 characters.”
Potential participants must:
-Be age 16 or older
-A Bay Area resident
-Have a portable texting device that can last two hours without charging
-Have an active Twitter account“We thought it would be a fascinating project to see how the art of dance can be described and shared with everyone,” said Lauren. “By using social media, we hope to intrigue and inspire folks to see live dance!”
One aim of the program is to give people a critical voice in the arts. “We’re creating “citizen critics,” says Dan Meagher, Diablo Ballet Director of Marketing. “The power of arts criticism is moving into the hands of everyday people, whose opinions are just as relevant and valid as those of a major critic.”
Diablo Ballet’s March program will feature the West Coast premiere Pas de Deux from Mercurial Manoeuvres by Christopher Wheeldon.
To apply, send your name, phone number, city, and link to your Twitter account to Dan Meagher, Director of Marketing, at For more information, visit Diablo Ballet’s website at and select “performances” or by clicking here. You may also call their office at 925-943-1775 extension 0. Interested parties must apply by February 22nd. Participation is by invitation only.
Viva Arts is presenting an arts fundraiser by the Friends of Civic Arts on Friday, February 3rd at the Shadelands Art Center at 111 N. Wiget Lane in Walnut Creek. Tickets are $65 ($75 at the door). From their website:
Experience an evening of wonderful food provided by Wilma Lott Catering, complimentary wine, artistic performances and lively bidding for auction items. Special Emcee for the evening is Walnut Creek new City Manager, Ken Nordhoff.
Proceeds provide financial support for scholarships and quality programming for all art disciplines through Friends of Civic Arts Education Foundation. Purchase tickets in advance or at the event.
Can’t attend but want to support arts education? Make a financial donation, or buy raffle tickets for a 2 night stay on the Mendocino coast.
Call 925-939-2787 for more information.
When you think of downtown Walnut Creek and theaters, you probably think of Lesher Center, but that’s not the only theater downtown. The Diablo Actors’ Ensemble Theatre is located next to Peet’s Coffee at 1345 Locust St. and offers various performances including the upcoming play, Frankie & Johnnie in the Clair de Lune which opens this Friday January 20th. From their website:
Diablo Actors’ Ensemble believes theatre enriches our lives and enriches the cultural life of our community. DAE is dedicated to presenting the highest quality live theatre within our resources. We hope to entertain, engage and challenge our audiences. DAE provides a nurturing environment for artists with whom we work which allows for passionate, creative interaction and engagement. Most importantly we hold the ensemble in the highest regard in a celebration of the human spirit.
I’ve must have passed this place hundreds of times but have never ventured in, has anyone been to a performance, and if so would you recommend it?
Spotted right next to Urban Outfitters and Barnes and Noble. Does anybody know the history behind it?
This sculpture is located at the corner of N. Main St. and Civic Dr. in Walnut Creek, next to La Scala cafe. Reminds me of a Millennium Falcon from Star Wars.