Walnut Creek City Council
The Contra Costa Times recently reported that five former Walnut Creek mayors criticized, “council members’ handling of an investigation into employee knowledge of alleged child sex abuse at the Lesher Center.”
From the article:
In a letter sent to the City Council, city manager, city attorney and the Contra Costa Times, former mayors Gwen Regalia, Sue Rainey, Kathy Hicks, Charlie Abrams and Gary Skrel say they are “dismayed” that information has leaked to the press from City Hall. They question why the council hasn’t investigated the leaks and say they were “astonished” to read in this newspaper negative comments about the city manager following a closed session council meeting.
The article goes on to mention that the Contra Costa Times obtained a police memo detailing the “alleged failure of employees to report suspicions of child abuse.” and the former mayors are “shocked” that an investigation has not been called to find out who leaked it.
Having followed national news I know there are leaks all the time by Congressional staff, Presidential staff and other governmental entities to national newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post. I remember that when leaks affect national security the President and others start taking things more seriously but I didn’t realize people care about leaks at the city level.
While other cities publish police reports publicly for all to see, both Walnut Creek and Lafayette keep reports private while at the same time allowing certain entities such as the Contra Costa Times access to information. Given this insider access and relationships between police staff and reporters, is it any wonder that a police memo would also be be passed to them as well? Not surprising at all.
What do you make of this standoff between former Walnut Creek mayors and the city council? Should Walnut Creek and Lafayette follow the lead of cities like Seattle by making most police reports publicly available?