I thought Orinda pranksters were at work again with a new sign but it turns out a speed hump is an actual traffic sign. Check out the difference between a speed bump here.
I thought Orinda pranksters were at work again with a new sign but it turns out a speed hump is an actual traffic sign. Check out the difference between a speed bump here.
Skipolini’s Pizza in downtown Concord near Todos Santos Plaza used to be the old bank building, built in 1911. Check out their menu here.
Thanks to a reader for sending. Spotted at Dan’s Irish Sports Bar in downtown Walnut Creek.
If you spot an interesting/funny sign around town and would like to see it featured please send an email to tips@beyondthecreek.com with the photo and location.
Dear BtCreek-
Would you have any recommendations for college admissions counselors in the Walnut Creek/Pleasant Hill/Lamorinda area? Just tried to sign up with Lafayette Academy and they are all booked up thru 2019!
Anyone have recommendations?
Last year we learned about a new garden in downtown Walnut Creek across from the Lesher Center and as you can see in the photo below there are plenty of tomatoes growing there this summer.
What’s growing in your garden? Send a photo with some of your edibles to garden@beyondthecreek.com along with the area it was grown and I’ll feature it in a future post.
Spotted at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar in downtown Walnut Creek. At least it’s not a blue screen of death.
Thanks to a reader for sending:
Within the last two weeks we’ve noticed that three telephone poles have been erected on both sides of Highway I-680 with some form of netting suspended from both sides. This is just before the turnoff for Rudgear Road.
There have been other emails asking what’s going on as well, anyone know?
Lafayette has followed Walnut Creek’s lead and banned plastic bags as of last week. Paper bags are available for purchase for 10 cents. Do you support the ban for environmental reasons? Are you against the ban, if so, why?
From the City of Lafayette informational page:
Are businesses required to charge?
Select businesses are required to charge a minimum charge of $0.10 per checkout bag (compostable bags, recycled paper bags, or reusable bags) that they provide to the customer. A business may choose to charge more for carryout bags they provide. Businesses that must impose the charge include:Grocery Stores & Markets (Chow, Diablo Foods, Open Sesame, Safeway, Trader Joes, Whole Foods)
Pharmacies (CVS, Walgreen’s Pharmacy)
Convenience Stores (7-11, Kwik Stop, Gas Stations)
Liquor Stores (Jackson’s Wines & Spirits, Wine Thieves)What are the requirements for public eating establishments?
Starting on July 1, 2015, all public eating establishments (such as restaurants, delicatessens, cafeterias and food trucks) cannot distribute single-use plastic checkout bags to customers for their take-out food for delivery or pick-up. Customers can opt for no bag, paper bags may be provided to customer at no charge, and reusable bags can be used at the discretion of customer and restaurant. Individual paper or plastic product bags without handles may be used around containers of soups or stews to prevent spilling. Additionally, eating establishments are prohibited from utilizing Styrofoam and are required to utilize food and beverage containers that are readily compostable or recyclable.