Spotted outside California Peddler in downtown Danville, look at the tires on this bike! This is the second place I’ve seen this so I guess this is becoming popular?
Spotted outside California Peddler in downtown Danville, look at the tires on this bike! This is the second place I’ve seen this so I guess this is becoming popular?
When I picked up this cup from a restaurant in Pleasant Hill recently I was a bit confused. I had a straw as well, but was I supposed to poke a hole in the side? Thankfully the Sip Hole with arrow pointed me to the correct location. 🙂
Spotted at Neiman Marcus in downtown Walnut Creek. This is the first time I’ve seen a sign being laid out on a department store window.
Spotted on the second floor of the Walnut Creek library.
Dodge Dart Swinger spotted in downtown Pleasant Hill.
Over the weekend Broadway Plaza posted signs in the fountain area with their Code of Conduct. Those who “refuse to comply with the Code will be asked to leave”. One point stuck out to me as a parent of a young child. Skipping is banned in Broadway Plaza. When my kid is in a good mood, he is incapable of not skipping, so I worry. If I notice him skipping while we stroll through the Plaza, should I say to him, “junior, you’re going to have to cut out the skipping; that’s against the rules, buddy.” Or should I risk getting kicked out as he merrily skips and hops about? Oh, the humanity! 🙂
Photo by Flickr user akrabat
According to Walnut Creek’s Crazy in Suburbia there has been quite a controversy brewing about Planned Parenthood teaching sex education classes at Acalanes high school. Check out the complete article here. More information in this Contra Costa Times article from last month.
From the article:
At issue are two handouts parents say violate the California Education Code. One is a checklist entitled “Sex check! Are you ready for sex,” which lists physical, emotional and relationship questions to consider before having sex. Included are phrases like, “I know when my body is sexually aroused,” and “I can tell my partner what feels good.”
I wonder how Acalanes compares to Miramonte, Campolindo and other nearby high schools in terms of what is taught. Shouldn’t the curriculum be basically the same?
With the holiday season having finished the Macy’s parking garage in Broadway Plaza in downtown Walnut creek is now closed due to the massive redevelopment going on. The new multi-level parking garage next to Nordstrom opened last month and there is complementary valet parking as well but I wonder how this will affect the parking situation in downtown Walnut Creek. I may have to scout out more free street parking further away.
Alma Park, Walnut Creek
Thanks to a reader for sending:
I noticed that 1 of 2 giant oak trees in alma park that has been protected for years has blown over (I think during the past big storm). It is surrounded by caution tape and I would assume scheduled to be chopped up. It is a shame.
Another nonsensical sign in a Walnut Creek medical office stating “NO CELLPHONES PLEASE”.