Looks like there’s going to be a huge clock in the Pleasant Hill Clock Tower building on Crescent Drive in downtown Pleasant Hill where the clothing store Atlas & Athena is located. Check out the original, smaller clock here.
Looks like there’s going to be a huge clock in the Pleasant Hill Clock Tower building on Crescent Drive in downtown Pleasant Hill where the clothing store Atlas & Athena is located. Check out the original, smaller clock here.
With Halloween right around the corner and as the Halloween costume shops start popping up, it will soon be time to decide what to go as for Halloween. My kid absolutely, positively wants to be a ninja this year. Not sure what color but ninja it will be! What are you (or your kids) planning on going as for Halloween this year? Do you plan on buying a costume or making one?
Recently I decided to run in Mulholland Open Space in Moraga (which has amazing views) when I encountered this regulation:
“Animals that are under a person’s control are permitted on the paved portion of Donald Drive without a leash.”
I can understand having leash rule, I can also understanding having a no leash required rule, but I cannot for the life of me understand a no leash required but must-be-in-control rule. Can someone enlighten me? This is done for legal reasons only, right?
In July we learned about a new garden growing various fruits and vegetables in a sliver of space next to the parking lot at Civic Dr. and Locust St. in downtown Walnut Creek and as you can see in these photos the melons, orange peppers and eggplants are growing nicely. How cool is that!? I wonder if this is related to the restaurant Lettuce (visible behind the orange peppers in the photo below)?
Orange peppers:
Donald Dr, Moraga
Recently I happened to be checking out Mulholland Ridge open space in Moraga (amazing!) off Donald Dr. when I encountered the Cindy Waxman Trail. Peeking inside I noticed a semi-hidden amphitheatre. Anyone know if this is actually used?
According to the Moraga Parks Trail Guidebook:
On the other (uphill) side of the parking area is the start of the well-marked Cindy Waxman trail. That natural trail takes you up the hill through eucalyptus, oak and pine trees for about a quarter mile. It connects to Donald Drive at a gate. You can walk through the gate, turn left, and go up Donald Drive to Mulholland Ridge for a longer hike.
Spare the Air alert in effect today, September 11th:
During the summer months when ground-level ozone, or “smog,” becomes a pollution problem, the Air District issues Spare the Air Alerts for days on which air quality is forecast to be unhealthy.
La Fiesta Square, Lafayette
With plenty of new and popular restaurants having opened up recently within downtown Lafayette, La Fiesta Square has decided to install parking meters in the popular parking lot. (Yes, even the 20 minute parking spots). I spoke with some La Fiesta Square store employees who aren’t aware of free validation offers which is what I would have expected. We’ll find out soon enough. One reader commented that they witnessed a parking attendant threaten someone with a ticket for going to a non-La Fiesta Square restaurant:
Just watch out for the parking attendant who monitors the lot to the right of the restaurant; it is part of La Fiesta Square, and we saw one customer get threatened with towing and tickets just because he walked toward American Kitchen and not toward Chow.
So I suppose this isn’t surprising. It’s getting so crowded that even the Lamorinda Music/Lamorinda Theatre parking lot has a “No restaurant parking” sign out front (see photo at bottom). There are free parking spaces if you drive past La Fiesta Square until the road turns into Hough Ave. Thanks to a reader for sending word on this.
Lamorinda Music/Theatre Academy parking lot:
Heather Farm Park
The $1.25 million dollar all abilities playground is coming along nicely in Heather Farm park across from the Clarke Memorial Swim Center in Walnut Creek. According to the Walnut Creek picnics page it will be closed through October so it should be opening in a couple of months. Check out the project costs here.
From the Walnut Creek Civic Pride site:
Walnut Creek’s All Abilities Playground will be 30,000 square
feet in size and is being designed to fully address the needs of the whole child by intentionally addressing the physical, cognitive, communicative, social/emotional, and sensory needs of all children, including the estimated 10-20 percent of our children who have some type of disability.The new playground will have distinct play areas that will appeal to a range of ages, from toddlers to children as old as 12 years of age.
2-5-Year-Old Play Area
5-12-Year-Old Play Area
Multi-Age, All-Abilities Play Area: Centrally located between the two age-group areas, this area has a large multi-element ramped structure
Free-Play Climbing Hill: Also centrally located, this area will have concrete ball elements, facilitating free, unstructured play for all ages
Sand Play Lot
Swing Set Zone, featuring both traditional swings and accessible bucket swings
Check out the free-play climbing hills: