I think Moraga Commons Park may be the future birthplace of water volleyball. Summer Olympics 2052? Only time will tell…
I think Moraga Commons Park may be the future birthplace of water volleyball. Summer Olympics 2052? Only time will tell…
Next month the Walnut Creek City Council will consider banning plastic bags at retailers and groceries in Walnut Creek:
The City of Walnut Creek is considering an ordinance to prohibit the distribution of singleuse carryout bags in all retailers (except restaurants and non-profit charitable thrift stores). Under the ordinance, all grocery and retail stores in Walnut Creek would no longer provide single-use carryout plastic bags. Stores may sell paper bags for a minimum of 10 cents for each bag. Protective plastic or paper bags, without handles, for items such as meat, fresh produce, dry-cleaned clothes and prescription medications will be allowed. Consumers will have the option to bring their own reusable bags or pay for recycled paper bags. The City Council will consider the proposed ordinance as early as March 2014. Click here to view a draft of the propsed ordinance.
Do you support this ban to support the environment or do you feel it’s too inconvenient while shopping? One time I was shopping in San Francisco and after I bought something they asked me if I want a bag, I said yes, and when I checked the receipt I saw a charge for 10 cents. I thought that was a bit odd that they didn’t inform me of the charge ahead of time but I imagine they assumed everyone knew about the charge. Another time I ordered quite a bit of food at the Ferry building in San Francisco and again they asked me if I wanted a bag and I refused, knowing there would be a charge. So when the time came to pick up the food I was precariously balancing multiple drinks and hot dogs when the cashier took pity on me and told me I could have a bag which I appreciated.
With that being said, do you support a ban on plastic bags in Walnut Creek?
Photo by Flickr user pinguino
With the Superbowl coming up this Sunday (Seattle Seahawks vs. Denver Broncos) I wonder what is the best bar to watch the big game. Where are you going to watch? I noticed the new restaurant Kanishka’s in downtown Walnut Creek is hosting a Superbowl ‘tailgate’ event at 10:30am on Sunday.
Photo by Flickr user USACE Europe District
With news that five more people died from the flu recently in the Bay Area bringing the total to 27, I wonder how many people are getting their flu shots this season. I got the flu shot in October at the Walnut Creek Target and apparently this year’s vaccine matches the swine flu strain that is popular this season so I feel safer about that. So for the Friday question of the day, did you get a flu shot? Are the increasing number of local deaths attributed to the flu encouraging you to get one, or do you think the flu shot is unnecessary?
A large protest by the anti-circumcision group Bay Area Intactivists turned heads last Saturday as all four corners at Mt. Diablo Blvd. and N. Main St. in downtown Walnut Creek were manned by both male and female protesters with colorful signs and outfits protesting circumcision.
From their website:
Founded in 2001, Bay Area Intactivists is a human rights organization with members working to eradicate all forms of genital mutilation including routine infant circumcision. Members participate in various community events to educate and raise awareness of the right of all individuals—male, female, and intersex—to genital autonomy.
As I was snapping photos a woman from one car driving by yelled, “Yes to circumcision!” to which one of the protesters replied to me that they get that kind of response all too often. I couldn’t help but smile as I never realized women had such strong opinions about this.
The Target police parking spots in Walnut Creek seem to randomly cycle through 0, 1 or 2 spots. Right now there are none. How long until it reappears?
Awesome bluegrass music being performed in front of Tiffany in downtown Walnut Creek last night. At least I think it was bluegrass, has anyone heard them before?
Tomorrow, Saturday, December 14, 2013, the Walnut Creek Half Marathon will take place in our City. The race starts at 7:00AM on Civic Drive (at Civic Park) and will proceed:
• North on Civic to North on Oak Rd to
• East on Treat Blvd to
• South on Cowell to
• West on Ygnacio Valley Rd to
• North on San Carlos into Heather Farm Park and onto the Canal TrailThere will be several road closures and the race will affect traffic mainly on Ygnacio Valley Rd and Treat Blvd, and particularly the neighborhoods that feed onto those streets. The WCPD encourages anyone with plans to travel on those streets between 7:00AM and 12:00PM to allow extra time for traffic delays.