Some things in life are taken for granted. Summertime. Hot weather. Children smiling. Picking blackberries before school lets out for summer. That is until one day when the Los Perales school administration decides that the blackberry bushes enjoyed by kids and parents for years are considered a “hazard” and *poof* all of sudden they are gone. Apparently, despite the fact that they were behind a fence as you can see in the photo above, they had reached a size which necessitated their removal. I wonder how many injuries or complaints Los Perales received that caused them to take action. Or maybe the occasional trimming was too bothersome or expensive so they razed them instead. (Even non-thorny bushes were cut down).
Sorry children of Los Perales, as you walk home from school in a couple of months there will be no blackberry pickings for you. I know you learned a bit about nature and where food comes from and such, but you’re going to have to look elsewhere from now on. Some things in life are taken for granted.