This report from the Nov. 1 Walnut Creek Police daily bulletin made me chuckle:
OK, so the door may not be anything special, but check out the door handles.
These cool looking door handles are on the Labels consignment store at 1367 N. Main St. in Walnut Creek. Nice touch.
The Contra Costa Planning Commision is holding a meeting on the Sufism Reoriented building project. According to the land use permit:
This is a request for a Land Use Permit to allow construction of a new sanctuary on approximately 3.12 acres. The proposed project includes: (1) a 66,074 square foot sanctuary building that includes a prayer hall, administrative offices, a library, classroom, archives, art and music program space, and related ancillary uses. Approximately 46,074 square feet of the building would be located below ground, including the administrative offices, bookstore, art studio, art storage, chorus rehearsal, video and audio production, music mixing and scoring, reception area, multi-purpose room, film/video and photo library, a music, drama, and dance studio, a coat room, women’s and men’s restrooms, and a kitchen. The 46,074 square feet includes approximately 13,800 square feet as open areas referenced as a rotunda, plaza, and east and west galleries (hallway) and a grand staircase; (2) a request for parking reduction based on a Transportation Demand Management Program (TDM) which includes the promotion of carpool, shuttle service, pedestrian and secure bicycle parking; (3) the removal of approximately 58 trees and the planting of at least 165 new trees; (4) the excavation and removal of soil (approximately 40,000 cubic yards of soil) an estimated 3,300 truck load of soil to be exported; and (5) demolition of three existing single family residences.
Crazy in Suburbia explained the issues in detail here, here with her latest posting here. It will be interesting to hear what happens in this latest meeting.
The post office located on Locust Street will be closing on Friday, November 18, 2011. It’s somewhat unfortunate as it was possible to stroll down there while on the way to the movies etc, but the one on North Broadway will still be open. The question is, what will replace the post office?
The Contra Costa Times reports today about Broadway Plaza expansion plans:
Macerich may seek to build 200 residential units at its site. The plan may also call for the demolition of an existing 200,000 square feet of retail space, then rebuild that along with an additional 200,000 or 300,000 square feet of retail space, according to an meeting agenda report.
Macerich also seeks close off most of Broadway Plaza street to create a promenade and plaza.
I think blocking off the street through Broadway Plaza would be a smart move on their part. Hardly any auto traffic moves through there currently, and the extra space available to make it nicer for shoppers and pedestrians would improve foot traffic and time spent at nearby stores. Adding some restaurants wouldn’t be so bad either. As much as I like Nordstrom Cafe, Boudin Bakery and P.F. Chang’s, a little more diversity wouldn’t hurt.
His name is Diamond, and was spotted in Civic Park in Walnut Creek riding on the swings over the weekend. If you have any fun or interesting animal/pet photos please send an email to with your pet’s name and what neighborhood you’re from.
Sunday was a beautiful day for the Lafayette Reservoir Run. Note the sign trying to position runners in the appropriate positions. Elite runners at front.
Here you can see the 5K race as it was about to begin.
I’m not sure what they were selling here, but it was a great setup.
The race results can be viewed here:
This cool panel is located behind the Macy’s Men’s store near the parking garage. The sign says, Copper Horse Panel. I’m not sure sitting at this bench staring at the parking garage offers the greatest view, but at least it’ll look good behind you.
In addition to the previously reported Halloween trick-or-treating at Broadway Plaza happening on Monday, October 31, there will also be trick or treating in downtown Walnut Creek on Friday, October 28 from 2:00 – 6:00 pm starting at the Lesher Center. Looks like this will be a busy Halloween for kids and their parents in Walnut Creek this year.