
Evening Discussion on James Joyce Sept 12th at Swan’s Fine Books in Walnut Creek


Evening Discussion on James Joyce:

Swans’ Fine Books
1381 Locust Street, Walnut Creek
Thursday September 12th, 2013
7:30pm – 8:30pm | Free

Please join us on Thursday evening, September 12th, for a discussion on James Joyce.  Our guest speaker this evening will be Harvey Segal, retired Professor of Sociology who has taught at Sonoma State University, NYU, and Queens College in New York.  A James Joyce fan for over fifty years, he has lectured and taught courses in the Sociology of Literature and on James Joyce’s UIysses and Finnegan’s Wake.

Once again, the evening will be informal and highly interactive; Harvey will be addressing your questions throughout the discussion.

Seating will be limited to 30 guests, so please R.S.V.P. to hold a space. There is no charge to attend and light refreshments will be served.