Live Poets Society:
Orinda Books
276 Village Square, Orinda
Sunday, May 26th, 2019
1:00 – 3:00pm | Free
Featuring Maw Shein Win and Rebecca Foust
Maw Shein Win‘s poetry chapbook Score and Bone is on Nomadic Press (2016). A full-length collection Invisible Gifts: Poems was published by Manic D Press in 2018. Maw is the first poet laureate of El Cerrito (2016 – 2018), and her forthcoming second full-length collection of poetry will be published by Omnidawn in Fall 2020. She is currently a Visiting Scholar in the English Department at UC Berkeley.
Rebecca Foust’s books include Paradise Drive (Press 53 Award), reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement. Recognitions include the Cavafy Poetry Prize, the James Hearst Poetry Prize, the Lascaux Flash Fiction Prize, the American Literary Review Fiction Prize, and fellowships from Hedgebrook, MacDowell, and Sewanee. Foust is passionate about literature being for everyone, not just the elite, and is happy to be able to promote this goal as Marin County Poet Laureate, an Assistant Editor for Narrative Magazine, and the Poetry Editor for Women’s Voices for Change, https://womensvoicesforchange.org/category/arts-culture/poetry.