3rd Annual Short Mountain Shadow Film Competition:
Los Lomas High School Theater
1460 S. Main St, Walnut Creek
Friday, September 15th, Saturday, September 16th, 2017
7:30pm | $12
Mountain Shadow Film Society will present the 3 rd Annual Short Film Competition Sept. 15 th and 16 th at the Las Lomas High School Theater. A 29-member jury previewed 346 submissions to select 13 finalists who will present their outstanding films in person for audience choice awards.
Included will be 5 live-action / narrative, four animated and four documentary shorts for a total running time of 110 minutes followed by the filmmakers engaging the audiences with Q&A. This year’s finalists come from all over the country, including SoCal, Utah, Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania and one New Yorker. One filmmaker is coming from Brussels making this annual competition an international event!
From audience balloting, 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place winners will receive $1,000. $500 and $250 respectively. All remaining finalists will receive $150. Unlike most film festivals, this competition has no submission fee for filmmakers. Instead Mountain Shadow pre-selects a limited number of finalists for this competition who are required to present their films in person. Based on Mountain Shadow’s efforts to support and encourage the cinematic arts in the community, the event is sponsored, in part, through the generous financial backing of Film Society members and local businesses.