Daily Life

“Five hours is not beyond reason for ladies to have coffee, shop, browse and have lunch”

Note: Read my parking alert post from last year here.

A bit scary how Broadway Plaza parking jumps from free the first 3 hours to $25 for 5+ hours!

From a reader:

The lot behind Crate & Barrel has paid parking since January 7.
First 3 hours free, then confusing signage of each hour after.

A friend and I were up there today for shopping and lunch. We began at 10 with coffee at Macy’s, then shopped in Macy’s ($50.00), cruised Lush and The Container Store, had lunch at Sunrise Bistro ($60.00), spent an hour or so in Crate & Barrel and finished up at David M Brian ($250.00), going back to the garage at 3:00. We were parked for 5 hrs.

First 3 hours free? . . .you would expect maybe $2.50 per hour after? . . .You would be wrong. It cost us $25.00 to park for those 5 hours!! Twenty-five dollars! That’s either $5.00 per hour or $12.50 per hour depending on how you look at it.

This is atrocious. A Wednesday in winter at the middle of the day? Seriously??

Five hours is not beyond reason for ladies to have coffee, shop, browse and have lunch – we easily might have wanted to take in a matinee too. The garage cost, however, was far, far beyond reason. This is urban robbery and taxes the very people who support those stores, shops and restaurants.