
Lafayette Gallery’s Artist Market on Aug. 18th

Photo by Flickr user Urban Woodswalker

From the Lafayette Gallery website:

The public is invited to the 2012 Season of Lafayette Gallery’s Artist Market, 50 Lafayette Circle, Lafayette, California. The colorful market will be held on August 18.  The Artists Market is held from 11 to 5 pm on Saturday. 

…the parking lot of the Lafayette Gallery is transformed into an inviting outdoor market place with artists displaying and demonstrating their art. Warren Rice, photographer and show coordinator states, ‘At each market we will feature the art of as many as seven gallery artists, with additional invited artists participating. The public will have a wide range of work from which to choose.’ Have lunch at a local restaurant, then visit the outdoor marketplace, and see your local artists display and demonstrate there art.  Visitors can browse among displays of original photography, jewelry, paintings, collage work, sculpture, pottery and fine art prints.