Back in the beginning of April I noted that the Swedish weight loss program itrim was coming to Lafayette, and the remodeling has really taken off lately, with the exterior almost completely shorn off.
Here’s a sneak peek at what it’s going to look like when finished:

As you can see, they’re going to add plenty of windows all around which should really open the space up. Compared to the dark, enclosed space it used to be, this is going to look amazing.
Here are more details on the program itself from an email:
Our ultimate goal is to make sure this is the last time our members lose weight. Along with a nutritional program, our members get group lifestyle/ educational coaching every other week and one-on-one lifestyle coaching about once per month. The coaching insures that members get the support, education and encouragement they need to turn their new habits into a new lifestyle. We also offer outdoor programming that our members can participate in, and special workshops, lectures, and programs that are fun and educational.
Itrim is open 7 days a week, and our members workout at the club two to three times per week on average. We also teach our members to keep track of their everyday exercise, which is a critical component of weight management. I guess the best way to explain Itrim is just telling you that itrim means in shape in Swedish. We offer different types of exercise; from Zumba to kickboxing. It is easy for members to stay in shape for a lifetime when they find the things they love to do, and they enjoy the feeling of support and community!
As you can see our program starts where a lot of other programs end. Itrim has learned that losing weight is the easy part; keeping it off is the challenge. When you have the right tools to get and stay in shape, it is like the Swedish say “Itrim Lattare an du tror” (in shape – it is easier than you think!)”.
According to an itrim employee I spoke with, memberships will be discounted before opening, starting at $155/month + $299 initiation fee (which includes the first month), and will increase every 25 members, until the opening. If this sounds interesting to you they will also be hosting a community walk (2 & 4 mile loop) beginning May 22nd (every Tues) at 6:15pm in front of Clocks etc. (next to itrim) so check it out to learn more. Oh, and one more thing, they will be providing a t-shirt and pedometer to first time walkers and water.
itrim is located at 973 Moraga Road and will open this summer. If you have more questions you may also contact the itrim Lafyayette at 925-385-0605.