The Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Walnut Creek BART Transit Village was released a couple of days ago, and several renderings of the proposed development were included as well as detailed information on the proposed project. Part I is available here, and part II is available here. The report notes that, “The proposed Project would be predominantly residential, with some ground floor commercial, retail, flex space, and office space. The Project would also involve circulation improvements, landscaping, and construction of new parking facilities.”
As far as controversy is concerned, traffic/transportaion, air quality, and noise are mentioned, as well as aesthetics. This is what they have to say about aesthetics:
Development of the Project has the potential to adversely affect views along two scenic corridors established in General Plan 2025 in order to protect views of Mount Diablo and surrounding open space. Development of the Project would also substantially alter the visual character of the Project site…
They did note that Mt. Diablo could be framed between buildings as seen in the rendering of the view from the BART platform:

Here is a simulated view from Ygnacio Valley Rd. & Oakland Blvd.

This is a bird’s eye view of the village:

Since it’s Friday, I’ll make this the question of the day, do you like how the proposed Walnut Creek BART Transit Village is being presented? As far as residential living is concerned this location would obviously be convenient for BART commuters. What is your greatest worry? What do you look forward to most of all with the project?