Broadway Plaza (after demolision)

Broadway Plaza (current)
The Walnut Creek City Council is considering selling the street that runs between Nordstrom and the fountain to Broadway Plaza. However, reading through the Draft Environmental Impact Report, what struck me was the other planned changes involved with turning the street into a pedestrian plaza.
It would involve the demolition of many parts of Broadway Plaza to, “encourage diverse housing options, including mixed-use, higher-density development”, presumably meaning apartments built over the retail stores.
The next photo shows what will happen to Stanford’s Restaurant, across the street from the soon to be opened Corners Tavern and Boulange Bakery, replaced by multi-level buildings, again presumably for apartments on the top floors.

Stanford’s Restaurant (after demolition)

Stanford’s Restaurant (current)
Note that the photos above only show height elements, not the actual design and other elements. To see a possible view including shrubbery, take a look at the following drawing which can be viewed in the Walnut Creek City Council agenda report:

So considering the possibility of large swaths of Broadway Plaza being demolished to make room for mixed-use, higher density development, along with the conversion of the street to a pedestrian usage, do you think this will be good for Walnut Creek?