Continuing the memorial theme, this bench is located at Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek near Boudin Bakery. If had to choose between the bench and lamp post, I’d go with the bench. Would anyone choose the lamp post?
Continuing the memorial theme, this bench is located at Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek near Boudin Bakery. If had to choose between the bench and lamp post, I’d go with the bench. Would anyone choose the lamp post?
Viva Arts is presenting an arts fundraiser by the Friends of Civic Arts on Friday, February 3rd at the Shadelands Art Center at 111 N. Wiget Lane in Walnut Creek. Tickets are $65 ($75 at the door). From their website:
Experience an evening of wonderful food provided by Wilma Lott Catering, complimentary wine, artistic performances and lively bidding for auction items. Special Emcee for the evening is Walnut Creek new City Manager, Ken Nordhoff.
Proceeds provide financial support for scholarships and quality programming for all art disciplines through Friends of Civic Arts Education Foundation. Purchase tickets in advance or at the event.
Can’t attend but want to support arts education? Make a financial donation, or buy raffle tickets for a 2 night stay on the Mendocino coast.
Call 925-939-2787 for more information.
Spotted on Mt. Diablo Blvd. in Walnut Creek across from Restoration Hardware. Anyone know what car this is?
An update to last week’s post on Walnut Creek Light Pole Sponsorships; the Walnut Creek Downtown Business Association has a section on this adoption program. Turns out it costs $500 to “adopt” a lamp post:
The Walnut Creek Downtown Business Association is again organizing the installation of street light pole bases with personalized plaques at Plaza Escuela, Olympia Place and N. Main Street between Ygnacio and Civic Dr.
This special Street Light Pole Adoption program offers an opportunity for your family or your business to be recognized by the community while supporting the enhancement of Downtown Walnut Creek.
A contribution of $500.00 allows you or your business to participate in this special program. A personal plaque will be installed on your street light with your name and message. Don’t miss this opportunity to Let Your Light Shine on Downtown Walnut Creek!
Please fill out the Lamppost Adoption Application and send it to the Walnut Creek Downtown Business Association, 1615 Bonanza St, Suite 213, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 along with your check or money order for $500 made out to WCDBA. Now you can also pay online!
The installation date for your plaque will be confirmed when payment is received.
You can see another photo below:
Personally I’d prefer a memorial on a bench. As far as businesses using this for advertising I don’t get it as it’s so low to the ground that I can’t imagine many people even knowing it’s there, but it’s an interesting idea nonetheless.
A new employee parking program begins today for Broadway Plaza employees in Walnut Creek. Does anyone know whether this will affect regular customers?
Spotted at the corner of N. Main St. and Mt. Diablo Blvd where Neiman Marcus is, it looks like this is now the most prominent Broadway Plaza sign in Walnut Creek.
Pictured at left: Christopher Mair, 27 year old resident of Pacheco
Pictured at right: Matthew Danska, 22 year old resident of Walnut Creek
The Walnut Creek Police reported on an arrest for a car theft in Antioch and possession of stolen property as well as narcotics and a firearm. To top it off they were violating their probation. It all took place behind Prima Ristorante in downtown Walnut Creek. From their press release:
On 1/21/12 at approximately 3:45 p.m., an off-duty police officer noticed a suspicious vehicle parked behind a restaurant at 1522 North Main Street. The vehicle was occupied by two males. The officer called Walnut Creek Police Dispatch and it was determined the vehicle was reported stolen from Antioch. Officers arrived within minutes and confronted the two subjects who were still inside the car. Both subjects were taken into custody at gunpoint without incident.
A search of the vehicle yielded a firearm and a large amount of other property. Officers were able to determine the property was stolen during a recent residential burglary. Officers also located narcotics on one of the suspects. Detectives will be following up on this case to determine if some of the property belongs to other victims.
Danska and Mair were charged with being felons in possession of a firearm, violating their probation, possession of stolen property, possession of narcotics and vehicle theft. They were booked into Martinez County Jail.
Walnut Creek PD encourages anyone who has information about this incident to contact us at (925) 943-5844
Spotted at Walnut Creek City Hall.
You can talk about whatever is on your mind – quality of life issues, a beautiful tree you spotted, scuttlebutt, or any random questions/thoughts you may have. I’ll open this thread every Friday at 5pm.
So March 9 is the definitive grand opening day for Neiman Marcus. This sign is located next to the Burberry store in Broadway Plaza, Walnut Creek. It seems like the Neiman Marcus signs are multiplying weekly as opening day approaches.