Located right by the Cheesecake Factory, this plaque says:
Site of the original
Walnut Creek
Grammar (Central)
I wonder what these Walnut Creek students think of what’s there now.
Located right by the Cheesecake Factory, this plaque says:
Site of the original
Walnut Creek
Grammar (Central)
I wonder what these Walnut Creek students think of what’s there now.
Lindsay Wildlife Museum, located at 1931 First Ave near downtown Walnut Creek is a small museum that houses live wild animals and also offers various educational exhibits. From their website:
Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental education center where live, wild animals are just inches away. Visitors can listen to the cry of a red tailed hawk, go eye-to-eye with a gray fox and watch a bald eagle eat lunch. More than 50 species of live, non-releasable, native California animals are on exhibit.
Tens of thousands of children learn about the environment in their classrooms through our traveling education programs and on-site tours of the museum. Nature and science-oriented classes and trips are offered for adults and children. More than 600 volunteers help feed and care for wild animals, teach children and adults about nature, and support the museums mission in many other ways.
They are open year-round, and tickets are a reasonable $7 for adults and $5 for children, free for children under 2. I’ve visited more times than I can count and my children always have a fun time there. Anyone ever volunteer there? What’s it like behind the scenes?
I’m sitting at the Civic Park playground in Walnut Creek watching my kids play over the weekend when I noticed right behind me someone was being questioned by a few police officers Apparently there was some kind of altercation between the man sitting and a guy on a nearby bench.
Hope everyone has a safe and fun celebration! Will be back with regular postings beginning Tuesday. Thanks for reading these past few months. If anyone has suggestions on what kind of things Beyond the Creek should focus on in 2012 please let me know.
Brian Palma
Johnny Lopez
Vice Lounge, located at 1251 Arroyo Way in Walnut Creek was the site of another arrest last night. According to the Walnut Creek police:
On 12/31/11 at approximately 1:45 a.m., Firefighters from Station 1 came upon a beating victim near Arroyo Way and Civic Drive while on an unrelated call for service. The Firefighters began treating the victim and flagged down a passing patrol car. The victim advised he had been pistol whipped by a group of unknown subjects who ran off. Officers quickly set up a perimeter and located two suspects in a nearby stairwell. Security staff from VICE Lounge assisted officers in identifying the suspects.
During the course of the investigation probable cause was developed that linked the two suspects to the beating. The two were identified as Brian Palma and Johnny Lopez. Both Lopez and Palma were arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Officers did not locate a firearm but did find a bloodied metal object that appears to have been used in the assault.
The victim was transported to a local hospital with serious but non-life threatening head injuries. Both suspects were taken to Martinez County Jail where they are being held on $50,000 bail.
There were several people in the area during this incident. Walnut Creek PD encourages anyone with information to contact us at (925) 943-5844.
Broadway Plaza is a great place to shop, with plenty of artwork and places to sit while sipping on a drink from one of the several cafes nearby. So when a reader recently pointed out that the circular bench that used to be next to Nordstrom was missing, I couldn’t believe it. Why would they do such a thing? If anyone from Broadway Plaza or elsewhere knows what happened please let us know. We miss it.
It’s getting murkier and murkier. Previously I reported that Erawan Thai Restaurant was closing in Walnut Creek. So imagine my surprise when I was strolling downtown in the evening recently when I saw Erawan open for business. The source I had for this info was solid so I decided to go to Erawan itself for more details. Turns out the landlord and Erawan owner are having a bit of a conflict and the landlord may or may not be responsible for attempting to get them closed. The person at Erawan wasn’t exactly sure either so I guess time will tell with what happens to this place.
Titled Bronze Frog, this sculpture can be seen in front of the Broadway Plaza Concierge building next to Macy’s.
Calypso Twist has been closed for a while now, but it was a great addition to downtown Walnut Creek, hosting an eclectic mix of bold, artistic goods that made for great browsing.