I thought this was a cool sign on Mt. Diablo in Walnut Creek right off 24.
I thought this was a cool sign on Mt. Diablo in Walnut Creek right off 24.
Is the X-Factor a guilty pleasure for anyone? If so, you may want to check out the top 8 X-Factor girls who will be performing at the Lesher Center on Dec. 22 at 7PM.
Although it seems intact now, apparently not for long, as Erawan Thai Restaurant, located on N. Main St. in Walnut Creek, across the street from Wells Fargo, is closing according to word on the street. The rumor going around is that this is where the elusive Farm to Table Cafe will be located that was mentioned in the Contra Costa Times article yesterday.
I had quite a few dinners at Erawan and thought the food there was quite good. But the photos they had on display on their windows were fading and really did not do justice to their food. Are there other Erawan fans out there, or am I the only one?
The Contra Costa Times reported today:
A 19-year-old Danville man was sentenced Tuesday to six years in prison for the February rape of a 14-year-old girl in his van at the Walnut Creek BART station.
The sentence is twice as long as what Sam Nesis would have received under a plea deal that was offered by the district attorney’s office last month. Judge Claire Maier rejected that deal earlier after an impassioned plea for justice by the now-15-year-old victim prompted her to re-examine the evidence against Nesis.
The Contra Costa Times reported yesterday that Nothing Bundt Cakes would be opening up in January, so I stopped by to see how it was going.
Nothing Bundt Cake, with dozens of stores around the country is opening another bakery in Walnut Creek. It will be located at 1551 Botelho Drive in the shopping mall where Ross, Sunrise Bistro and Right Start are located. It replaces a motherhood and maternity store that had been empty for a while.
Looks like they are also looking for some help as well:
“Please send resume to: walnutcreek35@gmail.com or call 925-979-9131 for an application.”
No, not that kind of bar. This one will offer skin waxing services for men and women. Check out the complete list. I don’t think I want to know what a Vajacial is, but they offer that, too. From their website:
Stript Wax Bar is a salon dedicated to the art of waxing. We are devoted to delivering high quality waxing services using the highest quality products in a comfortable and clean environment. That’s why we decided to specialize in doing one thing and doing it well.
Stript Wax Bar is located at 1629 Cypress St, across from Extreme Pizza.
Updated exterior for upcoming Citra Grill restaurant
The Contra Costa Times reported today on how retail vacancy rates have fallen over the past year indicating increased vibrancy in the local downtown Walnut Creek area. They noted that a restaurant Opa will be located next to Prima which I reported on previously and later in the article wrote that
Such examples include the former Delle Stelle building on Main Street currently under renovation for a restaurant
This is the Opa restaurant they mentioned previously. Having casually observed the downtown Walnut Creek retail environment for many years, the one thing that can be said is that it’s always changing, with some stores closing, and new ones taking their place.
At the end of the article they note recently opened stores including La Boulange and the Giants Dugout Store. The small popcorn store in Broadway Plaza store Cornology can also be added to this list. They also note stores that will be opening next year, including a few I need to look into, “Farm to Table Cafe”, and “Nothing Bundt cake”.
City of Walnut Creek
Located in the Conference Room
1666 N. Main St. – Walnut Creek
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
*Free T-Shirt for all Presenting Donors*
Spotted at an empty storefront next to Main St. Rags and Papyrus in Walnut Creek, it says:
“Please, No ____ Beyond This Point”
Your captions in the comments, winner picked Friday. Winner gets accolades for being first caption contest winner on the BtCreek site.