Famed Wildlife Activist who Stopped the Dolphin Slaughter to Speak:
Lindsay Wildlife Experience
1931 First Ave, Walnut Creek
Monday, March 19th, 2018
9:30am – 12:00pm | $45
Enjoy brunch among Lindsay’s owls, hawks, porcupine, and wildlife ambassadors, followed by a riveting presentation by internationally-acclaimed wildlife activist Sam Labudde, on Monday, March 19, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Every year, Lindsay Wildlife Alliance coordinates a world-renowned speaker for their spring fundraiser. This year, the Alliance is partnering with Lindsay’s Conservation Icons speaker series for one of their most fascinating speakers yet! Sam Labudde is the 1991 Goldman Environmental Prize winner, and orchestrator of one of the most successful consumer boycotts in history, after he recorded the first video footage in 1988 of dolphins dying in tuna nets. His campaign led to the Dolphin Safe tuna program, establishing global standards to stop the setting of driftnets on dolphins. More than 95 percent of the world’s tuna companies are now committed to Dolphin Safe fishing practices, and the Dolphin Safe label is now on canned tuna in markets throughout the world.