1179A Locust St, Walnut Creek
Last month we learned that Pressed Juicery would be opening where Pinkberry used to be in Plaza Escuela in downtown Walnut Creek on Locust St. and they have now opened. Intriguingly, in addition to cold-pressed drinks, they also offer a frozen yogurt-esque/soft serve sorbet-esque option called FREEZE. Note that although it looks like frozen yogurt, it’s NOT frozen yogurt as it only uses the same ingredients in their cold-pressed drinks, no dairy and no added sugar. Thankfully they offer samples of any of their drinks and freeze flavors. I was doubtful about their freeze but I tried the vanilla and chocolate flavors and it was delicious! I ordered a vanilla freeze (see photo below). It comes with two toppings. I tried chocolate gogi berries and blueberries which was quite refreshing. Check out their drinks menu here and here, freeze menu here and freeze toppings menu here.
It’s unfortunate they removed the outdoor seating that Pinkberry had. I thought maybe that would be added later but the server mentioned that Pressed Juicery doesn’t offer any seating by design. Maybe it’s healthier drinking/eating while standing?

Vanilla freeze: