Photo by Flickr user manjithkaini
Master Gardeners’ Annual Tomato Plant Sale:
Contra Costa Master Gardeners Garden
N. Wiget Lane and Shadelands Drive,Walnut Creek
Saturday, April 4th, 2015
10:00am – 3:00pm | Free
Thousands of unique heirloom tomato plants available for purchase! There are more than 58 proven varieties, many unavailable at local nurseries. Seedlings have been propagated by Master Gardeners using open-pollinated, non-GMO seeds. Also, there will be a wonderful selection of artichokes, eggplants, sweet and chili peppers, and tomatillos ready to be planted in your garden.
Experts will be on hand to provide advice about plant selection, site location and preparation, planting, fertilizing, pruning, and harvesting. Avid gardeners can get specific questions answered and learn about strategies to minimize plant disease and maximize production.
Our own veggie guru, Janet Miller, will be giving two talks at the Our Garden sale in Walnut Creek, on April 4 at 11:00 and 12:30 on Growing Tomatoes and other Summer Vegetables.
BYOB (boxes) or better yet, wagon! Tomato plants $3.00 each. Cash or check only, please.
Visit us online to see a list of all available plants, at: http://ccmg.ucanr.edu/EdibleGardening/GreatTomatoPlantSale/
The plant sale is happening in two different locations.