Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek
Last month the all abilities playground opened in Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek and it is HUGE! There are so many interesting things to do here that it’s rather overwhelming when first visiting. Make sure you have a meetup spot with your kids because it is very easy to lose sight of them. There is plenty of seating on the side as well as some shaded seated areas. Check out details and features of the playground here. My favorite parts are the shakable ship that can be shaken on the outside, the climbing wall, the long slides and the periscope. Other play structures are also cool so check out the photos below to see what I mean.
One thing to beware of however, which I’ll make another post about, are the popular “climbing” hills. They should be called “sliding” hills because kids use torn-up cardboard boxes to slide down the hills. Beware of the giant concrete spheres located at the bottom of the hill. This is a potential disaster waiting to happen.
Plenty more photos after the jump…