1510 Palos Verdes Mall, Walnut Creek
Thanks to a reader for sending word that Taylor Made Cakes & Yogurt recently opened, replacing Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt in the Palos Verdes mall in Walnut Creek.
From their website:
Taylor Made Cakes is a grassroots movement started by Taylor who wanted to bring the gift of a special experience to her friends and family. In 2011, her hobby turned into a business in which she wanted to deliver her passion and talent to people of all walks of life who were looking to have the same experience delivered to their moment of celebration. By mid-2011 her cakes were in high demand through word of mouth, and soon she realized that she was not the only one who believed in her top quality cakes and cupcakes. TMC wanst to bring old school integrity and hard work values by giving back to our communities, our people not only believe in the product and our company but the impact our business has on our community, local farmers, and our environment.
Check out more photos of the inside after the jump…