“These trees are in a Tree Protection Zone (TPZ).”
From the Walnut Creek website:
A plan by PG&E to clear a pathway above its pipeline by removing thousands of trees throughout Contra Costa is drawing objection from Walnut Creek officials. In a March 20 letter, Mayor Kristina Lawson noted that PG&E has not sought the input of the community or its elected officials, and that more than 700 trees would be removed in Walnut Creek with virtually no exploration of whether the trees pose a public safety hazard, or exploration of whether other alternatives exist that would protect the public while preserving the trees.
For a list of tree types and a map of proposed tree removal in Walnut Creek, click here.
Based on the report dozens of trees are marked for removal on Locust St. in downtown Walnut Creek and elsewhere which would be a real shame but Walnut Creek Mayor Kristina Lawson notes in her letter to PGE that:
PG&E does not have the unilateral right under its gas franchise agreement with the City to remove trees in the public right of way. Instead, PG&E needs the City’s authorization to remove such trees.
Hopefully these trees will become part of Walnut Creek’s Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) and saved from PG&E.