1342 Broadway Plaza, Walnut Creek
From the Walnut Creek PD:
On the above date and time [August 24th, 2013, 11:06pm], WCPD received a call that an armed robbery had just occurred at the Corner’s Tavern Restaurant office. Responding officers arrived within a minute and found the suspects had robbed an employee in the back office. Other employees and patrons in the restaurant were unaware of what transpired.
A neighborhood canvass resulted in a witness who saw the two suspects flee south towards Newell Avenue and to a waiting car. The car was described as a silver colored SUV, possibly a Jeep Cherokee and it fled northbound through the Broadway Plaza parking garage.
Loss from the business was an as of yet undetermined amount of money. No one was injured during the robbery and the investigation continues. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Walnut Creek Police Department at (925) 943-5844.
Suspect(s): Suspect #1: Black male adult, 20’s, 5’-8”, medium build. Suspect was wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt with the hood up, with a bandana covering his face. Armed with a handgun.
Suspect #2: Black male adult, 20s, 5’-6”, medium build. Suspect was wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt with the hood up with a bandana covering his face. Armed with a handgun.
Suspect Vehicle: Silver colored 4 door SUV type vehicle. Possibly a Jeep Cherokee with a roof rack.