Courtesy of Venture
Props as always to Venture men’s goods in Lafayette for their killer window displays!
Courtesy of Venture
Props as always to Venture men’s goods in Lafayette for their killer window displays!
Back in February I noted that a new salon was opening where Pure Beauty used to be on Mt. Diablo Blvd. in downtown Lafayette and now Lafayette Beauty Store has opened. There is quite a large cosmetics section in front as can be seen in the photo below.
Lafayette Beauty Store is located at 3606 Mount Diablo Blvd. right near Pizza Antica in Lafayette.
Walnut Creek Yacht Club
1555 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek
Saturday, July 13th, 27th & August 10th, 2013
1:00pm – 3:00pm | FreeThe spaces at these classes are highly coveted. Please call now if this is something that you would like your budding chef to experience. The three classes are held on Saturdays, from 1-3 pm.
And here are the dates:
July 13, July 27, August 10
Chef Kevin chooses a dish that he finds fun and exciting to prepare with kids, ages 7-13.
We’re sorry, but this is for kids only! Please drop your sous chef off at the aft deck at 1:00 and pick him or her up at 3:00. These classes are as much fun for Chef Kevin as they are for the kids, so we do not charge for them.
This is another kitchen from the Lafayette Juniors Kitchen Tour that took place a couple of weeks ago. You can see the previous kitchens here and here. I really liked the transitional style of this kitchen with clean design featured throughout. The skylight at top allows abundant natural light into the kitchen area which I appreciated. The highlight of this kitchen for me was the beautiful Vetrazzo recycled glass countertop on the island. Take a closer look of the Vetrazzo countertop in the photo below. I had seen this in showrooms before but this was the first one I saw in a real kitchen and think it looks amazing!
As I passed by Bank of America on N. Main St. in downtown Walnut Creek I glanced at this beautiful work of art hanging next to the ATM. I read the sign next to it wondering who the artist was when I learned it’s actually an abandoned night drop. How funny is that?!
From the Walnut Creek Police Department:
In January 2013 Francisco Hernandez –Murrieta was convicted of Assault With Intent to Commit Rape for an attack that occurred in Walnut Creek on 6/9/12.
In that assault, Hernandez-Murrieta attacked a female that was walking home from downtown Walnut Creek on a trail late at night. The victim was able to fight off Hernandez- Murrieta and he was captured by police a short distance away. Hernandez-Murrieta was sentenced to 2 years State Prison for the offense. Hernandez- Murrieta is currently incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison.As a result of his arrest and conviction, a swab of Hernandez-Murrieta DNA was taken and submitted to the California Department of Justice CODIS data base. A search of the DNA linked Hernandez- Murrieta to a previously unsolved 2010 sexual assault case that occurred in Walnut Creek on 8/14/2010. In that case the suspect attacked a female alone in a car near downtown Walnut Creek. DNA evidence was recovered in that case by the Contra Costa County Crime Lab who in turn submitted the samples to the Department of Justice database.
Walnut Creek Police detectives worked with the Contra Costa County Crime Lab to confirm the DNA match. Detectives were also able to obtain other corroborating evidence linking Hernandez-Murrieta to the 2010 attack. The two attacks occurred less than a half a mile apart. The case was submitted to the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office. On 6/3/13, the Contra Costa County District Attorney filed charges of Assault to Commit Rape against Hernandez-Murrieta for the 2010 assault. He was additionally charged with being armed during that offense.
This case is particularly timely with the Supreme Court decision released 6/3/13 in Maryland v. King, continuing police authority to collect buccal DNA swabs from persons arrested for serious crimes. This case illustrates the value of this crime fighting tool and the success of the CODIS program.
Anyone with information on this case should call the Walnut Creek Police Department at (925) 943-5844.
Lafayette History Treasure Hunt:
Downtown Lafayette
Saturday, June 15th & Sunday, 16th, 2013Discover how much you know about Downtown Lafayette’s history (or you can learn more) by participating in this fun family-friendly Father’s Day Weekend outing!
Here’s how it will work:
At 5 pm Friday, June 14, clues and instructions will be emailed to participants. The clues will give directions to markers or plaques at fourteen different historical sites in downtown Lafayette. Information found on a marker or plaque will answer a question specific to that location.
Answers to the clues must be emailed to the Historical Society ( by 5 pm on Sunday, June 16. There will be a prize drawing from among those answering all of the questions correctly.
Last month I noted that Bonfire Pizzeria closed in the Orinda Theatre Square with a new pizzeria to replace it and it turns out that Piccolo Napoli will be opening here in Orinda on June 29th. According to Diablo Dish they will be “emphasizing family-friendly fare with a focus on thin-crust, Italian-style pizza”.
From their website:
Peter & Maria Eberle, long-time Lamorinda residents, have lived in New York, Chicago and Europe where they have sampled countless variations of pizza and created many of their own. Together with their four teenagers; Alex & Hailey Eberle and Aja & Ariel Adair they bring to Orinda their love of pizza, pasta and gelato. Come join us this summer for Orinda’s newest family friendly restaurant in Theatre Square!
As a pizza lover I can’t wait to try this place out!
Photo courtesy of Big Dave’s Bikes
Thanks to the owner of Big Dave’s Bikes for pointing out that his new bike shop opened recently in Pleasant Hill at 609 Gregory Lane right near the Contra Costa Canal Trail. Check out their website here. From an email:
Big Dave’s Bikes opened in Pleasant Hill in mid April providing repair/service on all brands of bicycles. BDB is the newest Trek dealer in the Bay Area with availability/access of over 50 different models. BDB prices on new bikes include free tuning for life. Shop Owner David Bzdula has 30+ years experience in bicycle maintenance and sales.
Photo courtesy of Big Dave’s Bikes