A free opera concert will be held at the Orinda Community Park this Sunday, July 29th at 4pm through 6pm. Have a great weekend everybody!
A free opera concert will be held at the Orinda Community Park this Sunday, July 29th at 4pm through 6pm. Have a great weekend everybody!
The Walnut Creek Tennis Center at Heather Farm Community Park in Walnut Creek has 10 courts and provides lessons for both adults and children, as well as hosting adult leagues and a pro shop to boot. I needed to pick up a tennis racquet for my kid so I dropped by the pro shop and picked up a nice Wilson (they only have Wilson products) racquet for only $20.
The Walnut Creek Racquet Club is based here:
The Walnut Creek Racquet Club (WCRC) was founded in 1969 as a public courts tennis club and is sponsored by the City of Walnut Creek. The club’s purpose is to promote the game of tennis in Walnut Creek by providing a wide variety of tennis activities including league play, tournaments, clinics and special events. WCRC is open to both residents of Walnut Creek as well as non-residents as per its charter. Club membership, numbering nearly 800+ tennis enthusiasts, is comprised of players of all ages and skill – all sharing a passion for the game.
Check out some of the courts below. Notice the lights for night-play:
When I checked it out over the weekend it was buzzing with activity. If you live nearby and have any interest in tennis I’d definitely check this place out and consider becoming a member. It looks like it could be a lot of fun. Does anyone play here? How is it?
Photo by Flickr user Link576
Earlier this week I noted that Chick-fil-A is opening up a new restaurant in Walnut Creek at the old concrete plant on N. Main St, and there was a lot of discussion about refusing to eat there due to the comments made by the president of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, who does not support gay marriage and has supported anti-gay groups. The New York Times published an article last year about the dilemma some people have eating there or not, and just a few days ago published another article noting that The Jim Henson Company will no longer supply toys for the chain, and some cities are stopping approval for new restaurants, while other, such as the former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, are lining up in support of Chick-fil-A.
When Chick-fil-A opens in Walnut Creek, will you boycott and refuse to eat there? Or will it be business as usual and you’ll check it out?
From the Ruth Bancroft Garden website:
Bring the whole family, and don’t forget your dancing shoes! The Alhambra Valley Band has been entertaining bluegrass fans since 1986. They were one of the Garden’s most popular musical guests last year, and we’re very pleased to have them back again! Pyramid Brewery in Walnut Creek will bring the brews, and the food will be supplied by the ever-delicious Kinder’s BBQ.
www.kindersbbq.com$15; food and drinks sold separately
Click here to purchase tickets
Spotted in front of Lamorinda Music, Lamorinda Theatre Academy and the soon to be opened Mighty Fine Guitars store. I love finding creative displays like this, hats off to them!
Shiro, the site of a massive fight in January where a Walnut Creek police officer was punched in the face has closed, and in its place, a new restaurant called Hamachi will be opening this Saturday, July 28th beginning 6pm until 1:30am.
From a poster:
Featuring asian tapas, an extended sushi menu and a full martini bar.
Live entertainment from 6:30pm to 1:00am featuring dualing pianos starting at 10:30pm.
I believe this may be the only restaurant with dueling pianos in Walnut Creek. Sounds interesting. According to the owner, they will be playing every Friday and Saturday night with a focus on Jazz. The original chef from Sushi Groove (the restaurant before Shiro) will be working there.
Check out part of the restaurant below:
Hamachi is located at 1523 Giammona Drive in downtown Walnut Creek.
Back in February I noted that Master Diamond closed in downtown Walnut Creek and now the Contra Costa Democratic Headquarters will take over this prime location with a grand opening on August 2nd from 4 – 7 pm at 1372 N. Main St (next to Papyrus). Looks like the president and first lady are already celebrating.
From a Walnut Creek Police Department press release:
On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at approximately 5:30 am, Walnut Creek Police Officers stopped a vehicle on Lancaster and Lancaster Court for a vehicle code violation. Officers quickly learned the vehicle had been stolen from Antioch. The driver of the vehicle, Ashley Freitas was arrested for possessing and driving a stolen vehicle. Her passenger, Jesse Zupancic was arrested for possession of a loaded firearm, ex-felon in possession of loaded firearm, violation of probation and several warrants. Officers found suspected stolen property inside the vehicle and are attempting to identify the owners. No one was injured during the arrest.
Freitas and Zupancic were both booked into Contra Costa County Martinez Detention Facility for the above charges.
Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the Walnut Creek Police Department at (925)943-5844.
Props to the cops for the arrest. Not that it’s relevant, but I was thinking that it must be somewhat confusing if you live on Lancaster Ct. and have to give directions. “Go down Lancaster and make a left at Lancaster.”
Registration for the Walnut Festival Run For Education on September 9th is now available here. From their website:
When: September 9, 2012
Start Time: 8:00 A.M. (but arrive early)
Distance: 5k & 10k
Where: Downtown Walnut Creek
1201 Main Street at Lululemon
The cost is $25 for elementary and middle school kids and $35 for everyone else. The theme this year is “Running in 1975” so “wear your best 70’s costume and win prizes”.
The frozen yogurt shop Coco Swirl is now offering bubble tea in tea, milk tea and yogurt freeze concoctions. Some of their flavors include taro, lychee, passion fruit, jasmine and more. They offer the tea and milk tea with a “regular or less sweet” option. Check out the lychee tea “less sweet” option below (which I still thought was very sweet, but good, especially on a hot summer day!).
Coco Swirl is located next to the Century Movie Theater in downtown Walnut Creek.