This mural by Velia De Iuliis was spotted at the Duncan Arcade in downtown Walnut Creek, right near the previous mural of the day. Check out her other murals here, and find out more about the artist here.
This mural by Velia De Iuliis was spotted at the Duncan Arcade in downtown Walnut Creek, right near the previous mural of the day. Check out her other murals here, and find out more about the artist here.
1385 N. Main St, Walnut Creek
Last year we learned that the owners of A & G Jewelers in downtown Walnut Creek were retiring. However, they have reopened under new ownership. Check for updates on their Facebook page here.
1341 N. Main St, Walnut Creek
Sad news as the women’s fashion boutique Norf London is closing in downtown Walnut Creek after being in business nearly fifteen years. Check for updates on their Facebook page here. I’ve passed by this shop thousands of times over the years and always enjoyed seeing that Union Jack flag while practicing my Cockney accent.
From a Contra Costa Health Services health order:
Stay Home Order
Date of Order: 12/16/2020The availability of Bay Area intensive care unit beds dropped to 12.9% on Dec. 15, triggering the State’s Regional Stay Home Order. This order will remain in effect for at least three weeks (Jan. 5) and will be lifted when ICU availability meets or exceeds 15%.
We are in the midst of an unprecedented surge in cases and hospitalizations in California and across the country. Given the nationwide surge, the ability to add surge ICU capacity is limited by availability of ICU nurses and physicians. We need to protect our hospital capacity so those who need care—for such things as cancer treatment, heart attacks, and strokes—can get it. By taking this action we are saving lives, protecting our health care delivery system and keeping those at highest risk and essential workers safe.
Agora at South Main, Walnut Creek
Starbucks opened over four years ago at Agora at South Main in Walnut Creek on Newell Ave. and they have now closed. Thanks to a reader for sending word and photo.
Back in April, I predicted a battle where restaurant patios packed with people during the Coronavirus pandemic would go up against rules explicitly banning outside dining. Now that Contra Costa is back in the purple, “widespread” tier, the battle has begun as some restaurants rebel against these orders. According to this NBC Bay Area news article, some restaurant owners, such as Kick N Mule in Danville, are continuing to allow outdoor dining on their patios.
Should restaurants be allowed to offer their patios and outdoor dining areas for eating?
Santa is back for photos with a “contact free – experience” at Broadway Plaza through December 24th. Check out the schedule here.