261 Lafayette Circle, Lafayette
It looks like Lafayette is getting a new Japanese restaurant with Kiku Sushi coming to Lafayette Circle right next to Back to the Table cooking school. Stay tuned…
261 Lafayette Circle, Lafayette
It looks like Lafayette is getting a new Japanese restaurant with Kiku Sushi coming to Lafayette Circle right next to Back to the Table cooking school. Stay tuned…
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there celebrating through these tryin’ times.
It’s been weeks since most retail stores were last open, and while Bay Area stores won’t be opening this week, it’s obvious they’re going to eventually reopen before a vaccine becomes available. I already shop at Target trying to snag some toilet paper and sanitizing wipes, and do feel safer now that everyone is wearing masks inside the store. When I get to my car I immediately slather my hands with sanitizer, take off my mask, more sanitizer, wipe down my phone, and am on my way. I’ve gotten used to the routine by now and feel more comfortable although I know you can never let your guard down.
You may have a problem getting into Neiman Marcus, but once retail stores reopen, do you plan on going shopping for clothing, electronics etc. even though a vaccine won’t become available for a while?
Last month we noted that Plaza Escuela taped off benches in response to the coronavirus pandemic and only a short time later some of the tape has been ripped off. Looks like some people really want to get back to normalcy and are chafing at the restrictions.
This month saw the loosening of the shelter-in-place order towards outdoor activities with skate parks now allowed to operate. I dropped by a local skate park and observed about ten kids hanging out within inches of each other, none wearing face masks.
Imagine just one of these kids asymptomatically carrying the virus, spreading it to the other kids, who then go home and unknowingly spread it to their families. I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks how things are going to turn out…
Trinity Ave, Walnut Creek
A few years ago we learned about a new condo complex going up in downtown Walnut Creek called Three by Lenox Homes, and as you can see in the above photo, lots of progress is being made. Check out all of the 2 bedroom/2 bath plans here. Prices start in the LOW $1M’S.
A new sign recently sprouted around downtown Walnut Creek exclaiming “WE’RE OPEN – Support Walnut Creek Businesses” and it looks like thanks to the nice weather and quarantine exhaustion, more and more people are venturing out. Both Lottie’s and San Francisco Creamery had lines with people looking to get their ice cream fix outside. This is definitely the busiest I ‘ve seen downtown Walnut Creek since the quarantine began in a couple of months ago.
Photo by Unsplash user @chrisknight
In order to flatten the curve over the coronavirus pandemic, shelter-in-place orders with specific rules were put in place a couple of months ago. The order is being loosened slightly but indoor services provided by salons such as haircuts are still not permitted. Yet, as I was strolling in downtown Walnut Creek recently, I saw one barber giving a haircut to another person with yet another person, all on the older side, sitting inside. None of them were wearing masks. As I peered through the window incredulously, the barber came outside and told me he was giving a haircut to his friend.
Although this happened in the open, I’m sure this must be happening elsewhere in a more private setting. Should barbers and other salons be exempt from the Bay Area shelter-in-place orders?
With kids and families stuck at home due to the shelter-in-place orders it’s no surprise to see more and more sidewalk chalk messages of hope during the trying times of Covid-19. This one says:
Together We Will Succeed – Enjoy the Flowers – Be Kind
Since when did stop signs decorated on the backside with birds and bird feeders become a thing? I’m seeing them all over the place the past year.