Daily Life

Push the Door for Lock – Bathroom Door of the Day


I finally dropped by Haleh Pastry for some desserts in downtown Walnut Creek, which were amazing by the way, when I encountered this situation in their bathroom. The sign inside says, “Push the door for lock”. I did a triple-take looking for a push-button, switch or any sign that the lock was engaged. Alas, there would be nothing but a written note that if I pushed the door it would lock. I thought to myself, “how hard do I have to push?” Would it be opened at the most inopportune time? Thankfully, nobody entered, but how would I know if the lock worked?

Fast forward a couple of weeks later. I ate some more delicious desserts and went to use the bathroom. Sure enough, the bathroom door was locked so if you find yourself in the Haleh Pastry bathroom, don’t worry, it really does lock. 🙂