1633 Bonanza St, Walnut Creek
Last week I noted that Cafecitos Cafe would be opening on Thursday and so I dropped by to try check them out and try some South American cuisine which I don’t believe is available anywhere else downtown. The inside is nicely decorated with cool posters from the 1915 San Francisco’s World’s Fair and a giant print designed especially for the cafe in keeping with their purpose, “about celebrating life moments through good food, music, and friendships”.
Check out their menu here. There are so many things I wanted to to try but I settled on the Lomo Saltado sandwich, “a popular Peruvian dish with Asian influences served on a fresh bread roll. Marinated beef, tomato, red onion, and cilantro served with papas fritas and Rocoto chili ketchup”.
Check out the inside of the cafe:
Photos of the sandwich and prints after the jump…