The restaurant Sasa has appeared on this blog for its side door, its front door, the meat sign on the side wall, and it’s Koi pond so it’s easy to see how it won the Action for Beauty award of excellence last year.
From the Walnut Creek Action for Beauty Council website:
The council, consisting of a group of citizens independent of the city’s political structure, has been issuing design review awards for 40 years. The awards honor projects in architecture, landscaping, and public art. The awards tend to focus on businesses, and how their designs enhance the quality of life in Walnut Creek.
Walnut Creek Action for Beauty Council’s community involvement dates back to the mid 1960’s when we partnered with the Chamber of Commerce on a “Clean-up-Fix-up-Paint-Up” Campaign in 1967 resulting in improvements to many business fronts, landscaping, homes cleaned up, and junk cars removed.
Walnut Creek Action for Beauty Council encourages good design, quality development and landscaping in Walnut Creek. Any citizen can nominate possible candidate projects.
Prominent Architects and Landscape Architects come to Walnut Creek to judge the work of award nominees. Our annual Awards Luncheon presents awards to outstanding projects in the Walnut Creek area to reward and encourage more high quality projects.