1341 N. Main St, Walnut Creek
The tech repair shop Mobile Kangaroo opened in downtown Walnut Creek. Notice how sparse the inside is. Check out their repair services here.
1341 N. Main St, Walnut Creek
The tech repair shop Mobile Kangaroo opened in downtown Walnut Creek. Notice how sparse the inside is. Check out their repair services here.
Ygnacio Plaza, Walnut Creek
Last month Encore Theatrical Supply Company closed at Ygnacio Plaza in Walnut Creek after 20 years. Their Dublin location remains open. Check out their website here.
From their website:
Regrettably there are no longer enough sales to support the expense of providing the store. We are saddened to have to close and all that goes with it. We will miss our loyal customers and our staff in Walnut Creek.
Thank you again for your patronage. We await you in our Dublin location. At the right times of day it’s not a bad drive. We ask for your support for our remaining Dublin store so we can continue to fit shoes and help the dance and theater community. Please make your purchases with us, encourage your dance teacher to recommend the store rather than an online site, and bring us your group orders.
1935 Mt. Diablo St, Concord
Thanks to a reader for pointing out that Half Price Books will be closing early May in Concord across from Todos Santos plaza according to the East Bay Times. Last week we learned that they may be relocating within Concord, possibly in the Willows shopping center and according to the Times article there are, “six letters of intent out for various spaces but no leases signed yet”. Every time I’ve visited it’s always crowded and lively so I hope they reopen in Concord! Considering the shops who left for Veranda, and Barnes & Noble opening there as well, Half Price Books would be a great addition to Willows who will bring in more shoppers there.
Broadway Plaza, Walnut Creek
A new travel and luggage store called Innovation Gateway to Travel opened recently where Edwards Everything Travel used to be in Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek. When I dropped by over the weekend it looked like the same goods were being carried as Edwards, so much so that I thought Edwards managed to reopen. Even the placement was the same. It turns out a company called Innovation Luggage, which has stores around the country under various names, opened the store and hired back the same employees from Edwards to work there.
Rheem Valley Shopping Center, Moraga
Natasha Grasso Jewelry, which opened a showroom three years ago in the Rheem Valley Shopping Center in Moraga, has closed. According to their Instagram page it looks like they’re relocating to Roseville. Check out their online collection here and sign up for their BLING BOX monthly subscription service here.
1935 Mt. Diablo St, Concord
With the sale of The Shops at Todos Santos in Concord a couple of years ago, shops are closing left and right to make room for national restaurants such as Chipotle. It turns out that Half Price Books is unsure whether they will continue to be able to lease at their current location and are considering other options including Willows shopping center, also in Concord. Stay tuned…
1341 N. Main St, Walnut Creek
The tech repair shop Mobile Kangaroo is opening very soon in downtown Walnut Creek. Check out their repair services here.
Broadway Plaza, Walnut Creek
After over 20 years in business in Walnut Creek, Edwards Everything Travel is closing in Broadway Plaza by the end of January. In addition to their Walnut Creek location, their San Francisco and San Mateo locations will be closing as well, leaving only their Palo Alto location open. This looks like another case of not being able to compete with online stores. Check out their online selection here.
Lafayette Clocktower
the piece. store, which opened a few years ago in the Lafayette Clocktower, is relocating this March next to Venture Goods within the Lafayette Clocktower in a prime Mt. Diablo Blvd. spot. They opened their second location in City Center Bishop Ranch back in March. Check out their online selection here.
La Fiesta Square, Lafayette
Last November we learned that The Shade Store would be replacing the ice cream shop Smitten in La Fiesta Square with a showroom and their bold signage is now up. Check out their website here where you can shop online for shades, blinds and drapery. As an ice cream fan where am I going to go when I’m in Lafayette?