Downtown Pleasant Hill Shopping Center
Over the weekend Colorado-based spavia opened their first spa in the Downtown Pleasant Hill shopping center. Check out the Pleasant Hill services including pricing here. In addition to per-treatment payment options they also various memberships for with better pricing here. I checked out the inside and they have nice women’s (and men’s) rest lounges offering tea and heated neck towels. Showers are available as well. Looks very relaxing! The owners have plenty of spa experience and were very nice and welcoming. Check it out if you’re in the area.
From their website:
spavia is your spa, where you select the treatments that best suit you. our therapists and estheticians will care and deliver results to you in the most personalized, professional manner possible. enjoy the spa amenities before and after your treatment. unwind in the spavia retreat room with your spa robe, spa sandals and a warm aromatherapy neck pillow for a relaxing experience.