1373 Locust St, Walnut Creek
Thanks to a reader for pointing out that something interesting is going on in downtown Walnut Creek where Kitchen Table used to be. Signs on the window promoting DimeTime Redzone/Radd3 are posted there as well as video monitors. Radd3 is a Bay Area virtual reality company and a link on that site points to a Squarespace site:
Want to imagine that you are Tom Brady of the New England Patriots or Matt Ryan of the Atlanta Falcons, and that you need to score a final touchdown in the waning seconds to win Super Bowl LI?
Want to experience what it will be like to be crowned World Champions and to have your fans roaring, fireworks going off, and confetti raining down on you?
Want to experience all of this in dazzling, high resolution 3D Virtual Reality standing up and moving around to take in the whole experience at NRG Stadium?
A recently deleted Instagram account gamedayvr_arcade mentioned a virtual reality arcade opening in this spot next month. With football season beginning this is going to be fun to check out, stay tuned!