Has anyone read this Contra Costa Times guest commentary by former Walnut Creek mayor Kristina Lawson? Apparently members of the Walnut Creek city council traditionally rotate the mayorship among themselves and the youngest council member, Justin Wedel, was passed over for an “almost retired” CPA since the other, older city council members believe, “young people don’t have the requisite time to devote to public service.”
To get a better idea of what’s going on, check out the official Walnut Creek city council photograph here.
From the guest commentary:
Silva, the self-described “senior member of the City Council,” explained that she would not support Wedel because she believed that the council was his third priority, behind his family and his career. She explained in detail that she didn’t think he had the time, or maybe it was that, in her opinion, she thought he didn’t want to devote the time.
Do you feel the Walnut Creek city council is being dismissive of the younger generation or is there something else going on? Should the mayor of Walnut Creek be an elected position?