Spotted inside Str8 Edge Barbershop in downtown Walnut Creek.
Earlier this month I reported on some scuttlebutt about an empty storefront being turned into conference space, and recently I noticed they added 2 images from inaugural Broadway Plaza store advertisements and an aerial view of Broadway Plaza as well.
From the October 10, 1951 Contra Costa Times:
Here is an ad with all the new stores listed:
Of these stores, I’d be most curious to check out, “Le Savarin Bakery”, and “Dwight’s New Yorker Delicatessen”. Also listed is:
What I’d like to know is what kind of health food was sold back in 1951? I never even realized they had health food stores back then! Does anyone remember these stores?
Photo by Flickr user Thomas Hawk
From the Moraga-Orinda Fire District website:
The Chiefs of Moraga, Orinda, and Lafayette Police Departments, with support from Chief Bradley of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District, have agreed to share resources to address traffic safety this summer. The “Slow Down Lamorinda” program was initiated in 2007 by then Moraga Mayor Mike Metcalf in reaction to two fatal collisions involving juvenile drivers. The program was a great success and Mayor Metcalf listed the program as a Town Council goal this year.
One day each week, police from all three departments will saturate areas of concern within one city, and rotate among the cities weekly. The goal of the program is not to issue hundreds of citations, but to increase traffic safety awareness by targeting speed, distracted driving, and other violations. Banners will be displayed at local Fire Stations and free bumper stickers will be available at police and fire stations. The program will begin on June 1 and continue through August 31.
All Lamorinda residents are also asked to sign THE LAMORINDA SAFE DRIVING PLEDGE and submit it to your local police department. The pledge form will be available at locations with the bumper stickers and on our Town website. The pledge is intended to remind each of us to be safe and tolerant drivers to make our communities safe for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
Photo by Flickr user myxi
Lafayette Police is warning people to be careful about thieves at open house events. There have been two recent incidents in Walnut Creek:
Be aware of suspicious subjects walking around during open house events. Walnut Creek has reported that the following subjects are suspected of thefts from at least two open houses in their City. A tall black male and heavy set Hispanic female, both in their late 20’s to mid 30’s. The female has tattoos of laces going up her calves. The vehicle associated with them was described as a large, white SUV.
I just found out that the largest and most comprehensive news blog covering Contra Costa, CLAYCORD, has included this blog, Beyond the Creek as part of the Friends of Claycord section. This is a huge honor to be included as Claycord sets the benchmark in terms of delivering local news from around Contra Costa.
Back in February when the hearings on the Sufism Reoriented Sanctuary were happening, I noted that Contra Costa Supervisor Supervisor Gayle Uilkema was not present at the meeting, instead listening in by phone. A reader pointed out that she was getting treatment for cancer, and on Saturday Supervisor Uilkema passed away due to complications from ovarian cancer. She made a big impact on Contra Costa, especially Lafayette, as explained in the Times article:
Uilkema was elected to the Lafayette City Council in 1978, serving five terms as well as four stints as mayor.
In 1996, she was elected to a supervisor post, serving Central Contra Costa. She was instrumental in finalizing the Lafayette Library and Learning Center and the Veterans Memorial Building in that city.
RIP Gayle Uilkema. You will be missed.
Back in the beginning of April I noted that the Swedish weight loss program itrim was coming to Lafayette, and the remodeling has really taken off lately, with the exterior almost completely shorn off.
Here’s a sneak peek at what it’s going to look like when finished:
As you can see, they’re going to add plenty of windows all around which should really open the space up. Compared to the dark, enclosed space it used to be, this is going to look amazing.
Here are more details on the program itself from an email:
Our ultimate goal is to make sure this is the last time our members lose weight. Along with a nutritional program, our members get group lifestyle/ educational coaching every other week and one-on-one lifestyle coaching about once per month. The coaching insures that members get the support, education and encouragement they need to turn their new habits into a new lifestyle. We also offer outdoor programming that our members can participate in, and special workshops, lectures, and programs that are fun and educational.
Itrim is open 7 days a week, and our members workout at the club two to three times per week on average. We also teach our members to keep track of their everyday exercise, which is a critical component of weight management. I guess the best way to explain Itrim is just telling you that itrim means in shape in Swedish. We offer different types of exercise; from Zumba to kickboxing. It is easy for members to stay in shape for a lifetime when they find the things they love to do, and they enjoy the feeling of support and community!
As you can see our program starts where a lot of other programs end. Itrim has learned that losing weight is the easy part; keeping it off is the challenge. When you have the right tools to get and stay in shape, it is like the Swedish say “Itrim Lattare an du tror” (in shape – it is easier than you think!)”.
According to an itrim employee I spoke with, memberships will be discounted before opening, starting at $155/month + $299 initiation fee (which includes the first month), and will increase every 25 members, until the opening. If this sounds interesting to you they will also be hosting a community walk (2 & 4 mile loop) beginning May 22nd (every Tues) at 6:15pm in front of Clocks etc. (next to itrim) so check it out to learn more. Oh, and one more thing, they will be providing a t-shirt and pedometer to first time walkers and water.
itrim is located at 973 Moraga Road and will open this summer. If you have more questions you may also contact the itrim Lafyayette at 925-385-0605.
After over 30 years in business, the Lafayette Health Club has closed. from their website:
Our last day of opertation will be May 5th.
Unfortunately we are not relocating. There is nothing in town that can house us that has parking or that we can afford. Starting all over after 31 years is just not in the cards. However, we have made arrangements to transfer your membership to Walnut Creek Sports & Fitness (keep reading below for more informaiton.)I cannot say it enough how sorry I am about all of this. But we had 31 good years and so many great relationships have evolved from the community we have created at LHC. It will live on and on and on!
Thank you all!!
In Good Health,
It turns out that the gym I go to, Lamorinda Crossfit, has purchased some of their equipment.
From a Walnut Creek Police press release:
On 5/8/12, at 1:53 am, Walnut Creek Police stopped a white van for a vehicle code violation on N. Main Street at Penniman. The officer quickly learned the vehicle had been reported stolen from Mill Valley in an armed robbery on May 4th. Other officers responded and the driver (later identified as Jorge Estrada) was arrested. During the arrest an officer found a loaded firearm on Estrada, narcotics and stolen property related to other robberies and carjacking in Mill Valley.
Estrada was transported to Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office Martinez Detention Facility and is being held on $165,000 bail.
Anyone with information regarding the Mill Valley cases is encouraged to contact Detective Sergeant Paul Wrapp at (415)389-4100.
I’ve been meaning to switch the header of this blog to something more appropriate for all of Walnut Creek and surrounding areas, and while browsing Flickr I found a great shot of Mt. Diablo taken from Walnut Creek. The photographer, Dave Brinda, graciously gave me permission to use it for the new header. He’s an amazing photographer so check out his other photos if you have a chance.
Since I also began focusing on Lafayette I decided to add that to the tagline as well. I was thinking of using Lamorinda instead since I also focus on Orinda and Moraga, but I feel Lafayette deserves to be represented as a standalone city.
I still love the design of the Neiman Marcus building, check out the previous headers below:
As always, any suggestions for improving the header, tagline or anything else are always appreciated.