Since the Neiman Marcus building in downtown Walnut Creek has finally been completed, I decided to update the header of this blog to show off the new building. See the before and after photos below.
I also added a tagline, “Walnut Creek’s Neighborhood Blog” below, although I also plan to focus on downtown Lafayette as well. And if I can figure out how to combine photos together I’d like to switch over to a panoramic view of the Four Corners (Mt. Diablo/N. Main) to include Tiffany’s and Pottery Barn otherwise people may think it’s only about Neiman Marcus.

New BtCreek Header, Neiman Marcus Building, Walnut Creek, [Completed]

Old BtCreek Header, Neiman Marcus Building, Walnut Creek, [Work in Progress]
Feedback on the new header is welcome, is it clear enough? Does the tagline make sense? Thanks!