Looks like bars and clubs are not the only places fights are breaking out in downtown Walnut Creek. Early Sunday morning various fights broke out at the Locust Parking Garage, Cinco de Mayo Mexican restaurant, and Hubcaps of all places, with the crimes being committed including assault with a deadly weapon, battery, fighting in public and resisting arrest. The quote about the Hubcaps incident reminded me of the musical West Side Story for some reason: “Officers arrived and separated two groups challenging each other to fight.”
First it was Lift, Redux and Vice clubs, now it’s Hubcaps?! What’s next Tiffany’s and Va de Vi?
From a Walnut Creek police report:
On 1/29/12 at 1:35 a.m., police officers on foot patrol in the downtown area received a report of a fight on the second floor of the parking garage directly above Lark Creek restaurant. Officers responded and found a semiconscious subject on the ground bleeding from the face. The victim was transported to the hospital by ambulance for head injuries. Two subjects in a vehicle were detained by officers as they left the area. The subjects were identified as Mario and Marcos Bustamante. Officers spoke with several witnesses that identified Mario and Marcos as having assaulted the victim. Both subjects were arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and transported to Martinez County Jail. It is believed the victim also assaulted the two suspects. Officers are reviewing security camera footage to determine exactly how the fight started.
At 1:54 a.m., as officers were still investigating this incident, a large fight started inside Cinco de Mayo restaurant at 1372 Locust (next to the parking garage). Arriving officers saw 4-5 people actively fighting and 10-15 more people pushing and shoving each other. Some of the subjects were bleeding from the face and the group failed to obey repeated commands to stop fighting. Officers had to use pepper spray to restore order and take several combatants into custody. One subject was transported to the hospital for facial injuries and several others were treated at the scene by paramedics and firefighters. Three people were arrested for fighting in public, assault and drunkenness.
At 2:25 a.m., as officers were completing their investigation at Cinco de Mayo another disturbance between two groups was reported by employees of Hubcaps Diner. Officers arrived and separated two groups challenging each other to fight. Two subjects who refused to leave the area were arrested for drunkenness and disturbing the peace. One of the subjects was also arrested for resisting arrest after he fought with officers.
Between the three incidents nine people were arrested. Three officers sustained minor injuries that did not require medical treatment or were treated at the scene by paramedics.
Walnut Creek PD encourages anyone who has information about these incidents to contact us at (925) 943-5844.