Early this morning the Walnut Creek Police arrested several people attempting to break up a fight in front of Shiro Restaurant & Lounge located at 1523 Giammona Drive in downtown Walnut Creek. In the process suspect Davon Kelly punched a Walnut Creek police officer on the face. In response a Taser was used to subdue him. The official advisory follows below:
On 1/8/12 at approximately 1:10 a.m., officers patrolling the downtown area came upon a large fight in front of Shiro Lounge at 1523 Giammona Drive. As they arrived, officers saw approximately fifteen people fighting in the street with a large crowd watching. Officers observed one subject assaulting another person who was on the ground. When they attempted to break up the fight the suspect, later identified as Davon Kelly, punched an officer in the face. Officers attempted to take Kelly into custody and had to use a Taser to subdue him. Several other bystanders pushed officers away from Kelly in an attempt to prevent him from being arrested. Two of those subjects, Donte Lewis and Davonte Lewis, were arrested for obstructing an officer. Other small fights started breaking out and many in the crowd refused repeated orders from officers to disperse and leave the area. Another subject, Desirae Chapple, was arrested for resisting/obstructing officers and assault on a police officer after she refused repeated commands to leave the area and attempted to punch an officer.
The remaining suspects were arrested for fighting in public or resisting/obstructing officers.
The original fight was reported to have started after a man was robbed of a gold chain inside of Shiro Lounge. The victim of the strongarm robbery was uncooperative with police and refused to provide information about the suspects.
Kelly was transported to county hospital for a medical evaluation which is standard procedure when a Taser is used. Chapple was also taken to the hospital for pepper spray exposure. After both subjects were medically cleared they were booked into Martinez County Jail. Thompson, Lewis, Lewis and Edwards were taken directly to Martinez County Jail.
Shiro Lounge was reportedly hosting a private party prior to the fight. All available Walnut Creek Police units responded to restore order during this incident. Several Highway Patrol units and Contra Costa County Sheriff Deputies also arrived to assist Walnut Creek units.
Looks like in addition to Redux, LIFT and VICE, Shiro can be added to the list of Walnut Creek fighting venues at night.