Photo by CC4C
The non-profit organization Community Concern for Cats is looking for foster families for homeless kittens. This looks like a great community service opportunity for younger people and families in Walnut Creek. From their website:
Community Concern for Cats is an all-volunteer cat rescue organization that strives to make a positive difference in the lives of homeless and abandoned cats in Contra Costa County. This is your local community resource and information center for homeless and free-roaming cats. We rescue, spay/neuter, medically rehabilitate, and help to find them safe and loving homes. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, and donating to CC4C.
They will be at the Walnut Creek Petco and Lafayette & Pleasant Hill Petfood Express Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 every weekend except holidays.

Photo by CC4C